美國準大學生想申請Northeastern 大學
我現在是Merrimack college ㄧ所波士頓的鄉下學校 全校只有兩個台灣人 但我現在就讀語言學校就目前來說可以申請northeastern university 嗎?
當然可以申請可參照學校的網頁:http://www.northeastern.edu/admissions/apply/required.htmlChecklist:All student:- Completed Common Application and NU Supplement submitted simultaneously (www.commonapp.org) 申請表- Application fee: $75 申請費- Secondary school transcript(s) including senior-year first quarter and midterm grades 英文高中成績單- Official SAT (College Code is 3667) or ACT results (College Code is 1880)- Transcripts from any college-level course work 如有上過大學/學院的課的成績單- One guidance counselor and one teacher recommendation (available at www.commonapp.org) 推薦函語言要求:Students for whom English is not the native language
one of the following:- TOEFL (Computerized